Magic Mike Shines Bright

I remember the first time my husband brought home Magic Mike. It was revolutionary. We have never looked back. Magic Mike does everything. Counters, floors, walls, maybe not windows, but it’s still amazing. We gave our all our kids Magic Mike for Christmas.

“Magic Mike”

Don’t you wish you had us for parents?

That being said, I was happy with Magic Mike and the many uses it had. And then yesterday happened.

There I was at an Earth Day celebration searching for a cleaning cloth based on a friend’s recommendation. Before you get too worried, I do not obsess over cleaning. Yes, I like things clean. Yes, you have to take your shoes off in the house. Yes, eating is something that really belongs in the kitchen, preferably over the sink, maybe even just don’t eat. But it would be ridiculous to use the word “obsessive.”

Why was I in search of this particular cloth? It was suggested to me that this was the Magic Mike of cloths. It shined glass and mirrored surfaces without any glass cleaner. You only had to wash it once a week and keep it in cool, dry place and feed it organic produce. Or maybe not. My friend told me that it would revolutionize my cleaning routine. Who doesn’t want that?!

Anyway, I figured the vendor who sold these cloths might be at Earth Day, and sure enough, I found the booth that sold the magic cloths. “I’ve been looking for you!” I said, pointing a finger at the booth-girl, who, I have to say, looked strangely alarmed. I told her I had been searching for one of the very cloths she was selling.  Somewhat relieved, the booth-girl went on to extol the virtues of the cloth, and even some other magic items: a magic dust mit, a magic dish towel, and some magic laundry detergent. I couldn’t get my credit card out fast enough. Who doesn’t want more magic in their life? “It’s addictive,” she confided to me. Great. I’ll reserve my seat at HA: Housecleaners Anonymous.

While I was at the event, I decided to further help the Earth by purchasing some raffle tickets. There were baskets you could win with bird feeders, jars of honey, and picnic supplies.

cellar with wine bottles

A note to those of you putting together Earth Day baskets: Wine comes from the earth. What’s wrong with a basket of wine? I might have purchased twice as many raffle tickets if there had been a basket of wine to win.

Raffle time arrived and, lo and behold, they called my name! I won a basket of, wait for it: cleaning supplies! Can I just say, this is like winning the chance to make your bed. Also, it wasn’t even a basket. It was a mini cooler. Mini coolers, in my opinion, have limited purposes. It’s mini, after all.

Limited uses of a mini cooler



I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but there was not a magic cloth in it. I rifled through my winnings. The items were all earth-friendly, non-toxic, and probably low calorie. Additionally, inside the basket was a pamphlet proclaiming three key findings from a recent study:

  1. Weekly use of national brand home cleaning products is as dangerous to lung health as smoking 20 cigarettes per day.

What? Cleaning the house is bad for you? No more cleaning for me. Problem solved.

  1. Women are affected far more than men.

Not surprising. When it comes to cleaning, men can’t even beat us at impairing lung heath.

  1. Cleaning at home is just as harmful as being an occupational cleaner.

I definitely consider my cleaning to be amateur, but I’m going to suffer just as much as someone who does this for a living?

Returning home, I couldn’t wait to try out my magic cloth. Sure, it was Saturday night, but why not have a little extra fun? I tried the bathroom mirror. It worked! I did the mirror in the hallway. Sparkling! Glass table top? Brilliant! I went around the house until I ran out of glass surfaces. What about my car windows? Those are always impossible to do with glass cleaner and paper towels. Amazing!

My husband came out into the garage. “What are you doing?”

“I’m not damaging my lungs,” I said proudly.

A confused look.

“The car windows,” I clarified.

“Wow,” he admired. I watched him look at the cloth I was holding. “Can I try it next?” he asked.

“Of course,” I told him.

There’s nothing like a little magic to give a relationship some spark.


*Thanks Jess for the magic of Norwex




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